Granite is Evergreen

Granite is one of the few home features that can withstand the test of time. It’s durable (assuming you care for it properly), it’s not merely a trend and it’s repeatedly the most in-demand kitchen feature among home buyers.

Options for other natural stones include marble and limestone, yet granite remains the pinnacle of kitchen and bathroom luxury. Even options that are technically more durable and virtually maintenance-free, such as quartz, don’t have the same wow factor as granite. Tell someone you have granite countertops, and they instantly know your home is luxurious.

According to USA Today, 55 percent of homeowners will pay more (up to $1,260!) for a home with granite. The demographic that finds it most desirable is buyers aged 35-54 (24 percent), but even younger and older generations agree it’s worth a higher asking price. The Seattle Times reported on a Canadian study which revealed keywords in real estate listings that made homes sell faster and for more — one of those words is granite.

The Popularity Contest

Many types of natural stone and solid surface materials are excellent countertop choices. There isn’t a “best material,” since it depends on your style and they way you’ll use the countertops. For example, a family who cooks with a lot of turmeric or drinks a lot of red wine (and is prone to spilling!) might want to steer clear of an absorbent, white natural stone, especially if they know they won’t keep up with frequent sealant applications.

Not Your Grandma’s Granite

Granite has lots of upsides. It’s more affordable than some other stone options. You can save even more with remnant pieces or by going with a slimmer 2-cm cut instead of 3 cm. The type you choose also plays a factor. Saying you want granite countertops is like saying you want a steak. A countertop varies in it source, cut, prep method and more.

If cared for properly, granite also can easily last a lifetime. It’s the perfect choice for everyone who wants affordable luxury or who thinks they may sell their home in the future. It’s recognizable, achievable opulence. Call Intermountain Stone & Marble today and discover if granite is right for you.

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